Our 1 on 1 (one business with one coach) coaching programmes are designed for business owners who want a coaching experience fully tailored to the requirements of themselves and their business, whilst still being underpinned by the ActionCOACH business growth system.
Who are 1 on 1 programmes for?
Here are the main reasons that business owners tell us they need our help:
Our 1 on 1 clients range from businesses with small teams through to hundreds of employees. Some rely heavily on the owner, some run under management. They cover most sectors of the economy – from online retailers to engineers, environmental consultants to cleaning companies, and manufacturing businesses through to wholesalers and even some charities.
The common factor is that one or many of the above criteria apply to the business, and they have made a commitment to create change, assisted by a coach who will help them to accelerate their journey.
Our 1 on 1 programmes contain both a formal and an informal element.
The formal element consists of a coaching “cycle”, operating on an annual basis, as follows:
Annual alignment session: A day set aside to define your personal and business goals, assess overall business performance and ensure that the owner, team and coach all have a common understanding of the direction of the business.
90 Day Growth Planning Sessions: Every 90 days, our clients come together for a Mastermind session with a particular learning focus to share their experiences and build high-quality relationships. This is followed by a planning session where they set their goals for the next quarter and define the activities necessary to achieve them.
Weekly or bi-monthly coaching sessions: The structure of our programmes is simple. If you are an owner with a small team, we work with you twice per month. If you have a management team, we can work with both you and your team, and therefore a weekly programme makes most sense as we can gain more momentum that way. 80% of our clients are bi-monthly.
A coaching session is at a scheduled day and time to maintain consistency and focus.
The informal part of any coaching programme is based on what you need, whether that be a short phone call, a more extended session or even some team training. There is no additional investment for this, as we believe that it’s our role to help you achieve the results you’re looking for, so we’ll help you in whichever way you need.
We deal with every aspect of business:
to name but a few…
Your coaching programme should be an investment – that’s why we back it up with a guarantee. It should either make you more money, or at the very least, not cost you anything.
Our business discovery process is designed to get you well educated about us and how we work, and for us to really understand your business, how it’s structured and where you want to go.
Based on that, we can agree together the right programme for you, or it might be that coaching just isn’t the right solution for you right now, and if that’s the case, we’ll agree that too.
This is what we guarantee will happen during your business discovery process:
Based on all of the above, your investment range will be from £1,500 per month to work bi-monthly with a coach, to £7,500 per month if you embark on a weekly programme with our senior partner and include quarterly strategy sessions and team training.